Paul Moore
Information Security Consultant
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Does Two Factor Authentication Actually Weaken Security?
This article flies in the face of general consensus. As you're here, you either share this view or you're questioning my sanity and/or logic. Adoption Rates Ultimately, the success of any new technology hinges on the end-user. Trouble is, 2FA isn't new... we've used it in various contexts since
Value security? Avoid TalkTalk.
Update 18/10/2014: TalkTalk have now upgraded their SSL configuration; providing a much healthier "A-" on Qualys. More importantly, it's now PCI compliant. -- Cheap viagra, cialis & diet pills I could benefit from a diet pill or two, but I'm pretty sure my Dad isn't the
SagePay: Breaching PCI Compliance... intentionally.
Update: 2:50PM 03/02/2015 Just minutes after this article went live, SagePay have once again removed the 56bit cipher. It is being actively monitored, so if it creeps back in, I'll update the article again. As one of the largest payment service providers in the world, SagePay has
PwnPhone: Default passwords allow covert surveillance.
A few weeks ago, I was asked to observe an installation of several wireless access points & VoIP phones, with a view to making recommendations on how best to improve security while maintaining ease of deployment. It didn't take long for several trends to appear; chief amongst which was the
Bank & Mobile Network Security: For want of a nail...
Ever since publishing a "two factor authentication vs two step verification" article in 2014, I've been waiting for an opportunity to irrefutably demonstrate the difference. Note: This article is very much a "work in progress" as until both exploits are patched, I can't provide any technical
Kervball: The Kerv ring data breach...
Here's what happened the day my Kerv arrived...
SafeBuy: Can you trust a trustmark?
Private, secure & trusted... or is it?
Tiffin Tom: Fish, chips and a side of identity theft
Apart from leaking everything, there's been "no breech". Avoid Tiffin Tom.
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